How to Get Rid of Double Chin Fast (Best Exercises)

If you’re looking to get rid of the stubborn double chin fat fast and naturally then you’re going to want to check out this simple strategy.

Even if you’ve lost a lot of weight you can still be stuck with that stubborn double chin fat that never seems to go away. It can feel like it’s nearly impossible to get rid of.

Does that mean you’re stuck with your double chin fat forever?

Even though genetics play a big role in having a double chin it doesn’t mean you’re destined to have one forever. There are many methods you can use with your diet and exercise that can have an instant impact on losing the double chin.

If you’re ready to get rid of the turkey neck that forces you to consciously pose in pictures to hide your chin then you’ve come to the right place.

Here you’ll finally find the best ways to lose your double chin naturally and without surgery.

What Causes Double Chins?

The reason you get a double chin is from having excess fat stored in your neck plus having weaker than normal neck muscle. When you combine these two together then you’re going to develop a double chin. There are other factors to consider too such as genetics and posture.

What you really need to do is lower your body fat percentage. Just losing weight isn’t going to completely lose your double chin. In fact, it might even make it look a little saggier (but maybe not as big).

Excess neck fat (submental fat) is pre-platysma fat meaning it’s the layer of fat that builds up under your chin. With weight gain, you’ll add fat to your body and at the same time, the muscles under the chin weaken. This area under your chin then builds up with fat causing it to sag.

double neck fat anatomy
Submental fat (layer of fat under the jaw)

Some of us were born unlucky enough to have a genetic predisposition to getting a double chin.1 Sometimes it’s the cards you’re dealt in life.

Poor posture will also contribute to the loosening of your skin from loss of elasticity.2 Years of poor posture sitting at a computer with forwarding posture is a recipe for disaster.

Make an effort to straighten your shoulders and push your head back when you’re sitting and standing. Also, try to increase the mobility of your thoracic spine by laying your upper back over a foam roller.

Aging can also cause you to develop a double chin.3 The aging process can cause your skin to loosen as it loses elasticity. In our youthful years skin has a high amount of collagen and elastin.

This is what’s going to keep your skin smooth as well as firm and plump. But once you hit your 20s this collagen starts to decrease. The elastin will also start to break down.4

In your 30s you’ll lose about half of the collagen in your skin. This is when most people start to get saggy skin along with wrinkles and crow’s feet.

Thin Person with Double Chin?

If you have a double chin and thin then it’s for a couple of reasons. The first is you have too high of body fat and not enough muscle in your body.

Without enough muscle, your body isn’t going to be toned. This is the cause of becoming “skinny fat.”

When your body becomes skinny fat you may appear to be thin but your body fat could easily still be high. This results in your body being mushy, dimply, and saggy.

It’s one of the driving forces behind having stubborn fat spots. The trick is going to be to lower your overall body fat by increasing the muscle mass on your body.

Will the double chin go away if you lose weight?

Not necessarily. If you’re overweight then losing the excess weight will definitely help to lower the fat under the chin.

But you could still have a high body fat composition despite being thin.5 This will still cause you to have stubborn fat spots.

The trick is to toning and tightening your under neck area is to lower your body fat along with weight loss.

How to Lose the Double Chin Fast

double chin before after

To lose the double chin fast you’re going to have to implement various strategies to hit it from all angles. This will produces the fastest results possible.

Flushing out water weight is a quick trick you can use to slim down the neck and face fat. Bloating and water weight will make you look puffier and bigger than you reall are.

How long does it take to get rid of a double chin?

This is going to depend on how much double chin fat you have to begin with, and how much effort you’re going to put in.

Those with less fat on their neck will take less time to get rid of it. But if you follow the strategies below then you can quickly start seeing results within a week.

Fatty weight gain is going to be the biggest factor in how long it’ll take you to get results. If you’re overweight then dropping excess weight will produces the fastest results.

Get Your Diet Right

If you’re finally tired of wearing a scarf around your neck to hide your double chin then it’s high time you fixed your diet.

Without getting your diet right you won’t ever be able to lose your neck and face fat. If you’ve been a yo-yo crash dieter then this will also cause you to have too much loose skin.

Flush Out Water Weight

Cutting out the bad foods that cause weight gain, water weight, and inflammation is key. Ditching the sugars and carbs is the quickest way to flush out water weight.

Every 1 gram of glycogen (stored carbs and sugars in the body) will hold onto 3 grams of water.6 So if you cut down your carbs to less than 50 grams per day you should quickly flush out pounds of water weight.

Stop eating processed foods, refined grains, bad vegetable oils, and starches you have in your diet. They’re not only loaded with calories but they’re also causing inflammation and weight gain in your body.

The only carbs you should be eating should be from vegetables. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale or cruciferious vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are the best.

High Protein Diet

Eating a high-protein diet will improve your body composition by burning more fat and gaining lean muscle mass.7 Ideally, you’ll consume at least 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

So if you weigh 170 pounds then you should be eating at least 117 grams of protein per day. If you have trouble meeting this daily requirement then try adding a low-carb protein shake to your diet.

Also consume more healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil and grass-fed butter. Instead of using a fatty salad dressing instead use extra virgin olive oil or balsamic vinegar.

Be sure you’re drinking lots of water to keep your skin hydrated. If your skin is dehydrated then you can bet your skin won’t appear as smooth and firm as it should be.

Intermittent Fasting Tightens Skin

Try intermittent fasting to better target your body fat than muscle for weight loss. This meta-analysis found those using intermittent fasting were able to lose fat without losing muscle.8

Since intermittent fasting burns body fat and not your lean muscle mass it’ll help to tighten up loose skin. With fasting, your body also increases autophagy which is the removal of old damaged cells from the body.

As your body gets rid of the bad skin cells it should help to slow the aging process while tightening your skin. It’ll increase the rate collagen is produced in your body making your skin appear more youthful by improving skin elasticity.

You can also take a collagen supplement to improve your skin elasticity for tighter more youthful skin.

My Pick
BioTrust Ageless Multi-Collagen

Contains 5 of the key types of collagen in scientifically ideal forms. Uses hydrolyzed collagne peptides making it easier to digest. Mixes easily, no clumping, with no odor or taste.

  • Supports healthy, youthful looking skin & skin elasticity
  • Supports joint health & comfort
  • Supports hair health & growth
  • Supports healthy body composition

Best Exercises to Get Rid of Chin Fat

face fat exercises

One of the reasons your double chin won’t go away with just losing weight is that you’ll end up becoming “skinny fat.” This is when you appear to be thin but you don’t have enough muscle on your body.

And if you have too high of a body fat percentage then the skin on your chin is going to continue to sag. This it’s why it’s important to have some kind of strength training workout program.

Don’t worry about getting “big and bulky” from lifting weight. Unless you’re lifting weights like a professional bodybuilder then strength training will only tighten and tone your body.

Strength training will be the best thing for your body composition.10 It will help you to burn fat while gaining a little bit of lean muscle at the same time.

Also, try using HIIT workouts to turn your body into a fat-burning machine. You’ll be able to burn off many times more fat with HIIT workouts than you would with traditional slow-go cardio like jogging.

Doing more steady-state slow-go cardio can make your under chin fat even worse if you’re not also doing strength training. Keep your cardio sessions under 30 minutes otherwise, you could start to burn your muscle for energy.

Then you can add in these specific exercises to further tighten and tone up your neck so it doesn’t sag into a double chin…

Best Facial Exercises for Chin and Neck

As you lose weight and tighten up your body by improving your body composition you should also add in facial exercises.

It’ll help to reduce the amount of fat cells in your neck by strengthening your neck muscles. As your neck muscles strengthen it should also contribute to toning and tightening your under chin area.

Ball Exercise

  1. Get a tennis ball and place it under your neck and then press it down with your chin until it’s pinned against the top of your chest.
  2. Hold for 5-10 seconds then release the pressure on the ball to rest.
  3. Do 5-10 sets of this ball exercise every day to help build the muscle under your lower jaw.

Fish Face

  1. To do the fish face exercise all you have to do is press your lips together and move your jaw forward.
  2. Squeeze your cheeks together and hold for 5-10 seconds at a time.
  3. You can do 5-10 sets of the fish face exercise at a time.

Jaw Jut

  1. Lay back in a chair and look at the ceiling by tilting your head back.
  2. Push your lower jaw forward to the point you start to feel the skin under your lower jaw stretching.
  3. Hold the Jaw Jut for 5-10 seconds before returning back to the starting position. Be careful not to strain or push it too hard.

To lose your double chin with exercise you have to lower your overall body fat. Weight loss is key but you’ll also have to add in strength training to add muscle mass for toning. Then add in the specific chin exercises to further tighten up and tone the area.

Does chewing gum reduce double chin?

Chewing gum has been found to exercise your jaw muscles and in theory, would help to tone up your face and neck.11

I’d add chewing gum to your chin exercises but just be careful not to overdo it. You could end up overtightening and overworking your jaw muscles which would lead to other problems too.

More Sleep and Less Stress

Not getting enough sleep will turn your body into a train wreck. You’ll improve your metabolism once you start giving your body the quality sleep it needs.12

Sleep deprivation stresses out your body causing it to release the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol promotes fat storage as well as worsening skin conditions like sagging.13

Getting enough sleep and lowering your stress levels will decrease the amount of cortisol in your body. Having too much cortisol promotes fat storage so it’s a good idea to make sure you’re getting sleep and lowering your stress.

Without enough sleep, your body will release the “hunger hormone” ghrelin.14 This hormone will make you feel hungrier than you should making it easy to overeat.15

Improve the quality of your sleep instead so you can replenish your body without having to lay in bed all day. 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night is enough to jumpstart your metabolism, reduce stress, and improve skin.16

Fix Your Hormones

thyroid neck fat

Out of whack hormones will not only promote fat storage but also skin inflammation.

Eating too many carbs and sugars can increase blood sugars and insulin leading to weight gain.17 Lowering your insulin and cortisol are two basic hormones to get under control to promote fat loss.

Loose skin can also be caused from other hormones getting out of whack:

  • progesterone
  • pregnenolone
  • DHEA

If you feel like you’re amounts of these hormones aren’t normal then be sure to have a test done with your doctor. Many women going through menopause also get stuck with double chin fat too for this exact same reason.

Menopausal women lose about 30% of their collagen within the first 5 years. It’s a good idea to keep taking a collagen supplement to prevent further skin degradation.

If you have thyroid issues then it could also cause you to develop a double chin. Having an underactive thyroid can swell your lymph glands causing the part underneath your neck to swell up.18

Many experts believe double chins are from a sluggish lymphatic system. Massaging the area can help to revitalize your lymph glands. You can try massaging the area underneath your chin to help encourage blood flow to the area.

Does Oil Pulling Work?

coconut oil gut health

Oil pulling has been traditionally used for centuries to get rid of impurities and other toxins in the body. Even though there might not be a whole lot of scientific studies to back it up there is a lot of anecdotal evidence.

Many people swear by oil pulling and it’s an option you might want to consider to help to get rid of the double chin.

Think of it as doing cardio for your face. It’ll help to pull bacteria out of your body (and face) as well as other toxins that can build up.

All you have to do is take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for about 15-20 minutes. Then spit it out into the garbage and clean your teeth afterward.

Many of those who swear by oil pulling will tell you it’ll help to at least clear the skin of impurities. You can strengthen the muscles in your jaws, face, and neck with the constant swishing from oil pulling.

Supplement with Collagen

why collagen is good for you

Collagen is a type of protein found in your body’s connective tissues. Think of it as the “scaffolding” for your body.

It’s found in your skin, hair, nails, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. It’s the most obvious supplement to be taking if you want to shed the double chin fast.

The collagen production in your skin naturally goes down as you age.

This study found collagen supplementation improved skin elasticity.19 And in this other study researchers found after 4 weeks of collagen supplementation the group had statistically significant improvements and higher skin elasticity.20

So just because your collagen production goes down with age you can still replenish it by supplementing with it. You’ll be able to retighten the sagging skin under your chin by adding more collagen and vitamin C to your diet.

My Pick
BioTrust Ageless Multi-Collagen

Contains 5 of the key types of collagen in scientifically ideal forms. Uses hydrolyzed collagne peptides making it easier to digest. Mixes easily, no clumping, with no odor or taste.

  • Supports healthy, youthful looking skin & skin elasticity
  • Supports joint health & comfort
  • Supports hair health & growth
  • Supports healthy body composition


Getting rid of the stubborn double chin fat isn’t something you can do overnight. You’re going to have to make some diet and lifestyle changes if you want to get rid of it fast and for good.

The genetics you were given does play a big role in you getting the double chin in the first place. If you have a family history of more fat in the chin area then that’s not helping your situation. But it doesn’t mean it’s going to cause you to keep it forever.

Do double chins go away?

Despite genetics, as long as you’re willing to put in the work then you’ll surely be able to get rid of your double chin without surgery and naturally. The key will be to lower your overall body fat percentage and not just losing weight.

Some people resort to laser lipolysis to suck out the fat in their necks. You don’t need surgery like laser lipolysis to get results if you’re willing to do the work and improve yourself.

Now that you know how to get rid of the double chin it’s time to get to work so you can finally look and feel your best again.