The Spartacus Workout 2012

Calling the Spartacus Workout intense is an understatement.

If you haven’t done one of these Spartacus Workouts before then be prepared to get your butt kicked. These Spartacus workouts weren’t created for the weak of heart.

These Spartacus workouts are a form of metabolic resistance training. They are by far the most effective training strategy for burning fat while building lean muscle.

The Spartacus Workout isn’t going to turn you into a bodybuilder so you shouldn’t worry about building bulky muscles. If you’re a lady then you can fully expect to slim down as your body burns fat and tones up with lean muscle.

Guys will surely build a ripped body with these workouts as well. You’ll create some lean muscle on your body while blasting away unwanted body fat.

My video demonstrations of the Spartacus Workout and Spartacus Workout 2.0 are also a must watch.

The Spartacus Workout Details

For this workout, you’re going to perform 10 exercises in a circuit fashion with periods of 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest.

After you have finished all 10 exercises, take a 2 minute recovery period before starting it back up again.  Make sure you complete the circuit three times total.

You can do this Spartacus Workout 2012 three times per week preferably with a day of rest in-between workouts.

I would recommend doing it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and on the days in between, you can do a HIIT workout. These are hands down the best weight loss workout plan for men.

If you’re a beginner then I would recommend using some lighter weights. But if you’re a fitness nut like me then you can use some heavier dumbbells.

On previous Spartacus Workouts, I’ve used 20-25 lb. dumbbells. If you’re a beginner don’t be afraid to use 5 lb. to 15 lb. dumbbells.

The Spartacus Workout Review

With all the different workout routines on the internet, the Spartacus workout will be by far one of the best you’ll find.

It combines the science-backed training strategies of metabolic resistance training and high intensity interval training into a proven workout system.

You’ll effectively burn more fat and build more lean muscle at the same time than any other workout program out there.

Of course, there’s going to be a price you’ll have to pay.

These Spartacus workouts are super tough. Like if you’re a total beginner you might be off slowly building up before you can do these workouts.

Or better yet just go with one set of each exercise for your workout. Then go and do something else like sprinting on a treadmill.

Otherwise, it’ll be way too easy to burn yourself out trying to do these workouts.

But, if you’re willing to put in the workout and if you’re up for a challenge then this Spartacus workout will do just the trick.

The Spartacus Workout 2012 Video


Spartacus Workout 2012 Exercises

  1. Dumbbell Squat to Alternating Shoulder Press & Twist
  2. Mountain Climber & Pushup
  3. Dumbbell Side Lunge & Curl
  4. Plank Walkup with Dumbbell Drag
  5. Dumbbell Stepover
  6. Dumbbell Single-Arm Alternating Clean
  7. Pushup-Position Row & Squat Thrust
  8. Goblet Squat and Alternating Reverse Lunge
  9. Dumbbell Russian Twist
  10. Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift & Row

If you give this Spartacus Workout 2012 a try be sure to leave a comment below letting me know what you thought of the workout!