10 Best Ab Exercises Using Only Bodyweight (Done at Home!)

Here you’ll find the best ab exercises that use only your bodyweight and can be done at home.

Having a strong core isn’t just for athletes. Guys want ripped abs and girls want a flat toned stomach.

Some ab exercises are better than others. The worst thing you can do is think you’re exercising your abs only to be working your hips and lower back.

Below you’ll find the best ab exercises you can use for getting visible results fast.

Abs can be the hardest and the last to get right on your body. You can be happy with the rest of your body but your abdominal area is usually the toughest.

To get a washboard stomach you’re going to have to use the right exercises like the ones you’ll find below.

You’re going to need to use stomach exercises that will effectively fire up the right muscles in your abdominal area. The good news is you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to get the job done right.

I’m sure you’ll agree getting rid of your belly fat and getting a flat stomach with toned abs can be pretty tough.

But try using these top 10 best ab exercises below to quickly tone up and carve out your abs.

Best Ab Exercises Tips

Even though these ab exercises below will help to tone up your abs you’re so going to have to get rid of your belly fat on top.

Your diet and workouts are very important to get rid of that layer of fat on top of your stomach.

Both of which will incredibly help you to lower your body fat percentage so you can gain definition in your abs.

This is why skinny guys naturally tend to have “six-pack abs.” Their body fat percentage is just so low that you can see the small muscles laying right underneath the skin.

If your core is weak then you’re going to start to feel a lot of your ab exercises in your hip flexors and lower back.

If your body is weak then it’s going to do anything and everything to avoid using your abdominal muscles. This often leads to your back taking the brunt of the work when you’re trying to work out your abs.

This is a recipe for hurting your lower back and getting super tight abs. Check out my blog post here on how to get rid of tight hip flexors.

Losing your belly fat is great but tightening up your abs is going to be the hardest to get real progress on.

Your abs can be a lot weaker than the other muscles in your body. So it’s important to use an array of effective exercises to strengthen them.

For more on how to get rid of your belly fat naturally check out my blog post.

How To Use These Ab Exercises

Try throwing in these 10 best ab exercises at the end of your workouts.

You should be using High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) along with Metabolic Resistance Training. This way you’ll be able to maximize fat loss while gaining lean muscle.

In The Flat Belly Formula program, you can find HIIT + MRT workouts laid out for you in a step-by-step blueprint along with the best diet for getting rid of your belly fat.

You can also use these ab exercises on your off days at home. You can do them 2-3 times per week in a workout just going through one exercise at a time.

Try setting a timer for 30 seconds per exercise and make it through all 10 exercises 2-3 times.

Having proper form can make or break these exercises. Make sure you take notes of the instructions below. Try to check your form in a mirror to make sure you got the exercise down right.

Also be sure when you’re doing these exercises to tilt your pelvis upwards. This will help take tension off of your hips and lower back.

My favorite is Bicycle & Rotates. The American Council on Exercise did a study and found they were the best exercise to target your abdominal muscles.

The 10 Best Ab Exercises

Scissor Kick Crunches

scissor kick crunches

  1. This exercise is great for the lower abs. Start off playing on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs up in the air.
  2. Then slowly lower your right leg towards the floor while simultaneously bringing your right elbow up to meet your left knee.
  3. Next slowly alternate this movement side to side while keeping your appetite.
  4. Make sure you keep your elbows back to and try not to pull on your neck but rather just use your hands to support your head.

Plank To Pushups

plank to pushups

  1. Start off in the push-up position with your hands underneath your shoulders, your bodies straight and your abs tight.
  2. Next slowly began to lower one elbow to the ground followed by the other one until you’re in the plank position.
  3. Then just bring yourself back up to the starting plank position.
  4. Make sure you keep your appetite throughout this movement and don’t let your hips dip down to below.

Bicycle & Rotates

bicycle and rotates

  1. Start off laying on your back with your hands behind your head.
  2. Slowly bring your left knee toward your chest while simultaneously bringing your right elbow to meet your left knee.
  3. Then quickly alternate to the other side bringing your left elbow to meet your right knee.
  4. Try to keep your abs tight throughout this movement and your pill is tilted up as well. Make sure you do not on your neck and keep your elbows back.


v ups

  1. Start off laying on your back with your hands extended behind your head and your leg straight.
  2. Then quickly bring yourself up in the city position trying to bring your feet to meet your hands at the top.
  3. This exercise requires a little bit of balance and coordination. Once your hands and feet knee at the top so bring yourself back down to the starting position with minimal rest at the bottom.

Knee Grap Situps

knee grab situps

  1. Start off playing on your back with your arms extended back behind your head and your leg straight.
  2. Then quickly bring yourself up in the city position as you bring your knees toward your chest also grab them with your hands.
  3. Pause for a quick second at the top before bring yourself back down to the starting position resting only minimally at the bottom.

Double Crunches

double crunches

  1. Start off laying on your back with your arms extended back behind your head and your leg straight.
  2. Then slowly bring your both knees toward your chest while also simultaneously bringing your elbows up to meet them.
  3. Be sure to squeeze your abs at the top of this movement before slowly bringing yourself back down to the starting position resting minimally at the bottom.

Hollow Body Holds

hollow body holds

  1. Lay on your back and keep your knees bent at a 90° angle from your body. Extend your arms out in the 45° angle.
  2. Next straighten your legs out so there also at a 45° angle.
  3. Then slowly lower your legs towards the floor until you really feel it in your abs.
  4. Make sure you keep your chin tucked to you your chest throughout the movement. Hold this position until you’re done.

Elevated Planks

elevated planks

  1. Find a small platform we could even use a step in your stairway for this exercise. Place your feet on top of the step and straighten your body out while resting your elbows underneath your shoulders.
  2. Lift yourself up off the ground until your body is straight.
  3. Your shoulder blades together and tighten your abs throughout the movement and make sure you keep breathing.
  4. Hold until you’re done with the exercise.

Elevated Mountain Climbers

elevated mountain climbers

  1. Place your fee on top of a small step or the bottom step in a stairway. Place your hands underneath your shoulders and lift yourself up off the ground until you’re in the push-up position.
  2. Then slowly began to bring one knee to your chest before rapidly switching over to the other foot.
  3. Keep this movement up throughout the exercise while keeping your body straight, abs tight and shoulder blades together.

Knee Tucks

knee tucks

  1. For this ad exercise, you can use a pair of towels on a wood floor or we could use some plastic lids on your carpet.
  2. Place your feet on top of the towels and bring yourself into a push-up position.
  3. Then begin to bring your knees toward your chest and once they reach her chest bring them back out until you’re in the starting position.
  4. Make sure you keep your abs tight throughout this movement and don’t allow your hips to dip below your shoulders.
Can you get abs with bodyweight exercises?

Yes it’s more than possible to get defined abs using only bodyweight exercises. Keep in mind you’re also going to have to slim down the rest your body by dieting and using total body intense exercises. But by using the bodyweight ab exercises above you’ll be able to better target the area to help to quicken how fast your defined abs appear.

The Last Word

Now that you have the best ab exercises you can do at home it’s time to put them to work.

Getting a flat toned stomach and ripped abs can take a little bit of time. But if you’re doing the right exercises it can be accomplished quicker than you think.

Make sure you’re getting rid of your belly fat too. The best diet and workout program for that can be found with The Flat Belly Formula.

Once you get rid of the layer of fat on top of your stomach then you can proceed to tighten up your abs by using these exercises.

Training your abs can be a lot of fun but they shouldn’t make up the bulk of your workouts. Throw these exercises on at the end of your workouts or do them on their own on your off days.

Then before you know it you’ll have the stomach you’ve always wanted by using these best ab exercises.