Tips For Using Cayenne Pepper For Weight Loss

The health benefits of using cayenne pepper for weight loss are quite powerful. Cayenne pepper is a shrub that originated in Central and South American. For almost 9,000 years Native Americans used this super spice for seasoning. It’s thought plants evolved to contain capsaicin (the ingredient that gives it its kick) as a way to …

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Are Eggs Healthy? Unscrambling the Truth

The truth to the age-old question “are eggs healthy?” is now finally being unscrambled by science after decades of notoriety. It seems like too many so-called health “experts” out there keep flip flopping on whether or not they recommend eating eggs. I understand how this can be totally confusing to the average person who just …

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10 Astonishing Watercress Benefits (#1 Superfood You Should Be Eating)

Next time you’re making a salad you’re going to want to put strong consideration into adding this powerful superfood after discovering the benefits of watercress. Watercress was always one of those vegetables I would pass by in the grocery store and never gave much thought to. I’d pick up the usual superfoods like kale, spinach, …

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My Post-Workout Protein Shake Recipe

post-workout shake recipe

After you’ve just finished an intense workout you’re body is like a dried out sponge just waiting to soak up some nutrients to replenish itself. Now is when your body NEEDS to do two things the most… Rehydrate Recover Assuming you actually worked hard and sweated in your workout you’ll definitely be needing to rehydrate …

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Benefits Of Vitamin D

Want to know the benefits of vitamin d that can help you to lose visceral belly fat, get stronger, live longer and keep your brain optimally performing? Unless you’re living in the southern hemisphere then like most of us you’re probably still feeling the effects of the dark and cold winter months. I’m sure you’ve …

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Fat Burning Foods For Women

In this blog post I’m going to share with you some of my best belly fat burning foods for women and men that everybody should be eating.  I think there are a lot of foods that we believe are healthy for us when they’re really very unhealthy.  They’re causing us to get sick and fat …

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