Is Sparkling Water Good or Bad for You? (Is It Fattening?)

is sparkling water good or bad for you

Most people instantly assume drinking sparkling waters is going to be healthy for them but this isn’t as clear cut as you’d think. Or maybe you heard the rumors that carbonated water might cause tooth decay, is highly acidic and might even be fattening. But drinking sparkling waters is going to be much better for …

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Intermittent Fasting and Coffee (Will It Break Your Fast?)

Intermittent fasting coffee

Intermittent fasting and coffee can seemingly go together like peas and carrots but will drinking it end up breaking your fast? If you’re intermittent fasting with the 16/8 schedule then there’s a good chance you’re already drinking water while fasting. But you may have already found out breaking the coffee habit can be hard to …

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