Valslide Workout with Napa Boot Camp

Hey hope you’re doing awesome…

In our boot camp workouts here in Napa we’re starting to use the Valslide as one of our weight loss tools.  It’s a great piece of exercise equipment that’s pretty darn cheap and can be taken virutally anywhere.

In today’s video I’m showing you the same fat burning exercises I use at my Napa Boot Camp with the Valslide. It may look easy on film but trust me these babies were hard!

So why is the Valslide so great?

It gives your body a much smoother and easier load putting a lot less stress on your muscles and joints compared to normal exercise equipment.  It also gives you an incredible workout and you’ll get great results from using it.

I take pride in my word and wouldn’t be telling you about some overnight weight loss gimmick.  The Valslides are the real deal and I use them with ALL of my clients.